
Now everyone from age 7 to 70 without distinguishing men or women is confronted with various problems such as hair loss, reduction and breakage. For many reasons, these problems arise, the solution is Turkish doctors, who uses developing technologies, are experts in the field of hair transplant.

1-)Why Do We Lose Hair?

The leading cause of hair loss are genetic factors, but there are other reasons. Poor and unbalanced nutrition affects hair quality. Stress and sadness can damage the whole body health and immune system, causing hair loss. Thyroid gland hormones cause hair loss; hairs appear lifeless, dry and pale. Postpartum period, menopause and post-menopausal period, diabetes disease, nutritional disorders, various drugs, anemia, systemic diseases (cancers, liver diseases, infectious diseases), mechanical procedures (frequent blow-dry, poor brushing, very tight tying of hair ), chemical processes (some shampoos, paint, perming, coloration processes), sea water, sun rays, chlorine in pool water are the factors that cause hair loss. Seasonal spillage called hair loss, especially in the spring, is increasing in autumn.

2-)So How Hair Transplants in Turkey?

According to the preferred method, the hairs in the non-spilled areas of the person are analyzed and the hair follicles in the appropriate state are collected one by one after the area of the hair to be transplanted is prepared for the treatment. After all the hair follicles are collected, they are separated. After the separation of all roots individually, sowing process is performed. For sowing, the channels must be opened very carefully first. The lateral slit method, which is preferred instead of the punch system when opening the channel, throws the cuts appropriate to the structure of the hair, and allows the opening of the channels according to the hair root size and length of the patient. Hair transplant can be applied to areas with hair loss due to scarring. In addition, hair transplant applications can be preferred when there are cases such as beard or eyebrow loss.

3-)How to Decide Which Method to Choose?

The most important point when it comes to hair transplant types the treatment method should decided by the experts for you. hair transplant methods applied in Turkey are as follows: Robotic Hair Transplant, Hair unshaven, Acella + PRP Aided Hair, Classic Hair. However, there is a prominent method among these methods; it is ”Robotic Hair Transplant“

4-)What is Robotic Hair Transplant, Why is it More Beneficial?

Robotic hair transplant is designed to end the problems of hair angle, direction, gaps between hair follicles and adjustment of hair depth. It works in a sensitive and controlled way thanks to its unique automation system. The hair transplant robot determines the properties of the hair follicles thanks to the high resolution imaging system. Analyzes hair by criteria such as density, dispersion, angle and elevation angle.

There are no stitch marks in robotic hair transplant. Since the hair transplant robot carries out the root collection stage in a homogenous way, it is not clear that the roots are collected from the nape area.

Robotic hair transplant protects healthy hair which exists, does not do any harm.

Having a human factor always increases the risk of errors. Especially when the root is taken of the skin man can not see the bottom of the roots so they can be damaged. In the robotic hair transplant process, the hair transplant robot uses the sensors to examine the under the skin and makes the root intake without damaging the structure.

5-)Can I Make Hair Transplant Without Shaving?

Without scratching the hair, unshaved hair transplant operation can be applied by FUE. The hair loss of men starts with the opening of the gulf areas. The front hairline disappears, then slowly opens in the apex and the front side meets the rear and the top begins to open. There is no need to shave the whole hair especially when the hills of the front gulf are open. FUE hair transplant can be performed without shaving in cases where dilation is easily possible.

6-)Is hair transplant a difficult procedure in Turkey?

Hair transplant surgery in Turkey is completed within 1 day. Because it is performed under local anesthesia, there is no feeling of pain during the operation or after the operation. During the process, the patient’s movie watching, using the tablet computer, etc. this process is much more comfortable than it is thought.

7-)Is there an age limit?

Hair transplant surgery can be performed to anyone who has completed 22 years of age.


8-)What will change after Hair Transplant, will I have natural appearance?

After hair transplant, you will have fuller, dense hair that looks natural at first. After the hair transplant surgery, you will be able to extend your hair as much as you want and give it the shape you want safely. As long as hair transplant is done by specialists, the transplanted hair grows in a natural way. In fact, if a person does not tell, a person who does not know him or herself will not understand that an operation is done in any way.

9-)How Do You Care After Implantation?

The first day after the hair transplant (the next day) is done dressing; antiseptic solution and bandage removed. The process of washing after hair transplant will be explained to you by the hair transplant team, who will do the first wash and will be informed about the next washings. Usually the first wash is expected on the 3rd day. At the end of the 2nd week, the patient may return to normal washing with his / her shampoo.

It is necessary to protect the region from external contact and trauma for 1 week as the hair transplant area will be exposed. To achieve this, you should lie down on your back and avoid contact with the area like bed sheets and pillows. Sleeping half-sitting is a good solution in this process. The area should not be itchy and avoid manual contact. A spray may be used to relieve itching after the operation.

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