3800 grafts – head multiplication – Iltihap

Hello brothers,
I want to share my own hair transplantation with you. I do not want to share the name of the place where I am 32 and October 25. 12. 21 of the month took place, today is my 35th day. I had a bumpy time, I never broke my morale at this stage.
Even though it was warned on October, I hit the upper top of the car with that tiredness, it appeared to be 3 4 roots and bleeding, and I didn’t touch it again, the blood dried up.
I did the first washing myself very carefully the next day (I did not wait for 3 days).
In 5-6 days, inflammation started, I used Coraspin100 and chipro 500mg. I used the first bactus as a cream and then furacin.
Now I’m in the shocking stage, slowly decreased, and there is redness now.
I share the pictures with you.