Clinicexpert 2850 graft temple zone DHI method
Operation took place on Thursday, 16. 05. 2019, they took it from the location at 8 in the morning and then we came to the hospital and then the front line line was determined and the operation started and took 5 hours
Sedation was applied I didn’t feel anything zero.
Approximately 2 hours of graft intake in the rest of the lunch and planting became real. After the end of October, food was given.
After the end of October, free medicines were given a warranty certificate, etc. and the first washing was made on Saturday after 2 days, the lotion and sampuan was given free
After the washing was finished, they left again to the position I would go and left the same position and left it to the airport. As well as 4 5 days, no matter where we are, they take them from every position to every position.
2850 grafts 350 grafts were single and the rest of them was 2 li 3 and 4. Applied to 350 graft front line line