Dr Sait Can Hair Transplant (Batman Private Life Hospital) 4200 Graft Hair Transplantation
First of all, good day for everyone. I am 22 years old. I have been experiencing a hair loss that has been going on for 4 years. While I was in the military, I decided to make planting hair transplantation. Since I lived in Van, I decided to investigate the October Center in a place nearby and I decided to plant in Dr Sait Can Hair Transplantation Center, which is in Batman within my budget. When I went there, I was greeted with a good interest. In line with the shedding of my hair, I was told that it was right to make a full zone cultivation external. Since the existing hair is extremely sparse and weak, they said that we will do a frequent work in the whole region, assuming as if they were. I approved. And planting started. It was a total of 11 hours of pain, except for the last 1 hour, I didn’t feel much pain. I didn’t even have much pain in local anesthesia. I am currently on the 24th day of the process. When I was built, they served in their own October centers. They moved to the hospital environment after a very short time. We made the shell intake in a private hospital environment where they moved. Already even on the phone, according to the date you come to planting, they said that we can do our planting in the hospital. I did not come across any of their own planting process on the site. I wanted to open a topic like this myself