Dr.Serkan AYGIN/03.07.2020 5000 GRET FUE Hair Transplantation/Age.39 4200 Hair + 800 Beard
I have been thinking of hair transplantation for about 10 years. Especially at the beginning of my 30s, I started my hair loss and I was wearing a serious head. Therefore, as it is here, I have experienced the same experiences experienced by many friends in pain. Pharmaceuticals, food supplements, cosmetic products, etc. At that time, I left this situation psychologically comfortable and surpassed with less loss without minding, I left it, I never thought, I never thought, even as someone who took care of his hair. Maybe my family, maybe close friends around me because of the same hair problem and baldness problem in this narrow environment I was comfortable I was not feeling very uncomfortable. I have read in most places that cosmetic supplements do not help genetic shedding, unfortunately I have seen the futile efforts for those who think otherwise. This situation makes you feel good for saving the day for a while, but I didn’t want to plant while the dressing measures continued. After 4 or 5 years, this hair problematic stress instead of relief, “anyway there is a cure” left. Now I started to accept my current state of different fields and the usual flow of life I left this forum and such a similar blog, etc. I’ve made reviews for years and I say fortune today. Now I am writing to you from a fidelity and waiting for all your valuable comments about my process. In addition to the comments made as you know, there is not much to say, but I can say that if you want to clarify or you want to clarify. In fact, the main factor in choosing this clinic is yes, I have concentrated my research for years, but the friends of the friends here have experienced experiences. In general, I am satisfied with the attitudes and behaviors of the center’s approach. I hope I am waiting for your valuable thoughts and opinions about this issue and my hair transplantation process. I am sending photos after and after October, respects . .