Estemami clinic 13.04.2021 25 years 4200 graft
As a result of long researches, DHi method was successful and I decided to make here at an affordable price. It was the only place without any bad commentary and I went to the bus station for the 1st day of Ramadan on April 13, I took me to the hotel, then I got back and then took back to the place to be made. Clinicler with a lot of elite. Danişmanim Ferhat Bey, who was interested in everything, is interested. Anyway, there was a 3 or 4 -hour scholar process. Anesthesia figures were very painful, but then I didn’t feel anything after the first 10 minutes of working. A 3 or 4 hours in the October process surpassed night night after the night after the 2nd day I rested in the hotel 3rd day came to the first washing and froze my house was very nice to my house. We are entering the 3rd moon at the moment.