Estemylife 17.08.2018 2nd operation 2400 graft
Hello friends,
I wanted to share with you my experience in my second session, even if I could not share my first planting as a follower of the forum for a long time. My first October took place in 3,500 grafts in November 2014, and Hasan Hodja said that I would come again after 2,5 years and that he would have the second session. Because when I was 23 years old, I was planted and my spilled continued, and he said that they would be poured in them, and it was, especially in the military, but I had a lot of hair loss, but it was always stressed. I was ready for planting after short-term military service, but I wanted to wait a little more, because I could pass up with medicines so that I could pass up with a temporary application that was a temporary application. I was thinking of entering the planting like that, but the decrease in sexual desire and the pain in my eggs squeezed me very much. After 2 months I left (a really dangerous medicine). Instead, I continued to Xpecia in the morning. I finally quit 1 week before and I entered the 2nd October. Intensively, Fatma Hanım was interested Hasan Hoca opened the channels and scolded me a little reason why I did not come to PRP s and protein powder – because I used amino acid. I said I am interested in bodybuilding from time to time, but I said that especially amino acids have a negative effect on the hair. Since creatine in amino acid affects the growth hormone, the leading role in DHT secretion (internet research, scientific articles, etc. ). Thanks to them very much for them for them in the 2nd plan I already knew that the first time I know, but their new warranty certificate is the humble example of it. This is not the work of every October center.
For friends who wonder here, let me tell you for friends who have anesthesia with a need for anesthesia in the first 10 minutes my life was very burned to my life had gone to my life ee bidet adrenaline there is a eyvah alas. But then I heard that the needle -free anesthesia technique came out and I was very happy. I slept on the table like a sacrificial sheep began to give the pressure to give anything I did not feel only in very thin places (behind the ear) had a little pain that had a little pain. In the hill, they gave a intermediate pressure on the top of the needle after the girl got up for the break I said when you said when you’ve continued to anesthesia that I was already shocked and a relief came so I would understand very comfortable very comfortable. They said I was more than bleeding, I think the reason for this was the Xpecia and the sport I did. At one point, Ahmet Beydi came and he said that he said that you have a lot of bleeding, but he said that the grafts are very good for you. This was a good thing for me I could not want to work too much for the donor to avoid beaten so that they made a very clean purchase. Even the 3. Seans come out in the future. I don’t know what reason, but I saw the success of the little planted and distributed additions to this forum.
Now that there is a simulation in my head, you cannot analyze the photos well, but I think to share photos at the desired angles as much as I can. I hope I will have a good result with good