Hi friends, my name is from Germany. First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the entire team of this forum. From where?
I was extremely impressed by a sharing here and I went to the person who was 230 km away from my house and I said this was it. This is why I thank you. Information given to me;
Certainly we cannot get the result of that gentleman. From where?:
Because that brunette thick hair and wavy
Your color is wheat thin wire. (The reason)
But I do not have a lot of openness DHI, clear openness places said that they will make a fue and one session satisfies you. The expectation of everyone is very different from the mother. I know that the hair planted here is now friends who can see ahead. I am 35 years old
Alcohol: Occasionally
Medicine: I do not use
Shedding: Genetics
Smoking: yes
DHI: 3,000 graft
FUE: 1123
Total: 4,123 graft
Thanks in advance . . .