FUT on FUE revision + new planting.Dr.KUL 2,800 GRET 2 September 2016

I have been a member of the site since March 2015. I have been planning second hair transplantation for 1. 5 years. I have that information in my old shares. In 02 and 03 September 2016, Dr. Zekeriya Kul carried out cultivation in 2 sessions. The result of each operation is eagerly awaited, but mine has extra issues to be curious about. For example, this is not my first hair transplantation. 13 years ago (at the age of 36) I had a planting in Izmir with the FUT method. Since my hair was frequent in the hill at that time, only the planting on the front has managed quite a lot, but the dilution on the hill for the last 3-4 years began to disturb. Unfortunately, the plant conditions were not frequent. Thick wires were used in the front, the natural direction could not be given, and the front line sequence was especially bad in the left temple. I say pits in my hair bottoms. But there was no problem other than these, for example, my trace in the back was not as obvious as in a lot of other cases. Hair planted by 90 %.
When deciding on the new operation, 3 issues forced me very much 1) I was going to spread all my head with a sparse -haired graft to be released or I would often use them in front of them. 2) At the angle of the new hair between the hair that was upright in the front, was it again, was it upright or in a natural direction?(I even thought of asking to be dismantled). 3) How should I make the choice in this operation, which can be priced between 3,000 TL and 30,000 TL. But there is also 9,000 euros doctors did not accept me. They found a lot of space requiring planting.

Let’s come to the operation I entered 2 days ago. Doctor Bey spent a lot of effort while planting my old October region again. Needles entered my scalp very hard, at 15. 00 to enter the operation of the operation at 18. 00, but 1,400 grafts but finished at 20. 00. October 2nd was more comfortable because it was in the area that was not already planted. I think everything is fine so far. I have no pain, but my eyes are swollen. (I’m looking at this to endure the thorns of the rose. )
I wonder about the holding rate of grafts planted on hard and scar floor. In addition, what we are most curious about is the natural aspect of the old hair planted like a grass man (I hope) how will I guide my new hair?. “Whatever it is,” he may come out, but . . . To give a natural look to the hair I think hair transplantation should not be ignored. Let’s see if the result will be more natural this time. What kind of scanning do I have to do?
I share plenty of photos below with the hope that I would benefit the people who have made hair transplantation before. Good day to everyone.

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