Genos Hair Clinic Hair Transplant 4100 Graft 15 September 2019

Hello friends,

I am 24 years old, my hair has been falling for about 2-3 years. I was using minoxil regularly. Then I decided to quit, I said I would add who will deal with it.

We agreed with Dr. Harun Şamiloğlu from Genos Clinic and October was held on September 15th. We thought 3000 roots, but 4100 roots were taken. The operation was very painful for Benin because I think local anesthesia had some kind of immunity, the drug that had to affect 3 hours was losing its effect at 15 minutes.

When I looked after planting, I saw that it was as beautiful as I wanted (I wanted to go back to the back often)

I went to wash the 3rd day I washed the hair I was afraid that I was very hard at home I was afraid I could not wash. But the Doctor was already washed hardly harshly, I could not fully understand this place everyone said it should be very delicate or something. I hope there’s no problem.

I think there were small pouches of inflammation in my head a few places in my head, I bought an antibiotic for them, I will use them. You can review the photos before and after planting.

I’m waiting for your comments.

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