Opr.Dr.İlhan Serdaroğlu / 5 March 2018 /3000 Graft

Hello everyone. I’ve been following the forum for a long time. I’m trying to read almost every topic that opens. I have always postponed hair transplantation because I didn’t feel ready and maybe I would solve it in another way. I’m sick of my age 39. I never thought of using drugs containing minoxidil / finasteride because I used many medications during my illness. I don’t want to use these medications for life just for my hair. In our first meeting, Ilhan Bey asked me why I didn’t use medication. I gave him the same answer. I have tried to solve it using the things that I always think to be natural (Biotin, Saw Palmetto, etc. ) and a Xpecia. However, none of them meet my expectations. In the last 4-5 years, my hair loss has increased thoroughly. So I started to think of hair transplantation seriously. I first met Asmed. However, the price they gave me (12,500 euros for 5000 grafts) was far above that I could meet. That’s why I gave up. Later, a few places I interviewed (including İlhan Bey) suggested me to use medicine first. I don’t want to use a lifetime medication I mentioned at first. As many people who have made planting, I preferred İlhan Bey for their sincere attitude, aesthetic surgeon and the cultivation price is more appropriate. I sent him my photos first. 3500 – 3800 grafts may be necessary, he said. He sent sample photographs from planting to patients similar to my shedding type. Later, during the interview at the practice, I stated that I wanted a natural look, and my biggest fear was to damage the donor area in a way that does not return. He said that I should not worry about this, that he did the purchase process himself, unlike the e -mail, 3000 grafts would be enough. He stated that he would not plant in the middle section both in the first examination and on the October on October. (I’m a little confused about this, and I can only see if this is the right decision after the planted hair comes out. )

On October, the purchase of anesthesia and grafts after the determination of the area to be planted and cutting the hair was started at 9:30. Ilhan Bey did this. At about 12:00, a break was given for lunch. Afterwards, Çiğdem Hanım and Muhammad Bey made channel opening and planting together. Ilhan Bey came and checked several times. The operation was completed around 16:00. Ilhan Bey, pain, itching and edema for the drugs I need to take and said the issues I need to pay attention to. Obviously the only thing that bothered me during the operation was needies. I didn’t feel a great pain. However, this was the only thing I said to end so many needles. I think it’s something that is very thin.

After 2 days, I went back to İlhan Bey’s office for the first washing. How to do the washing process was explained. During the washing, İlhan Bey came and checked and asked if there was any problem. At the end of the 1st and 2nd weekend, he asked for photographs of the regions and donor region. I didn’t have any problems at night because I was accustomed to sleeping on my back. I also used the drugs regularly. There was no pain or swelling during the healing process. I did the washing process regularly every day. In the first week, I was quite worried about why these shells were not spilled, but with the 9th day, the shells started to fall out during washing. All of the 12th day was cleaned. I am 17th now. The hair planted for 2-3 days began to fall out.

I hope it will be a natural look as I want. I added photos to the topic. I will continue to add as much as I can. I know it’s early, but I’m waiting for your comments.

Wishing everyone to reach the desired result…

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