Serkan Aygin/ 4400 Graft/ 13.07.2023/ YAS 36

Hello friends,
Yesterday, in Istanbul Serkan Aygin brain clinic DHI method with the sheet transplantation. Blood analysis was performed one day and my sheet cizg was determined by Serkan Bey. The front line was left behind more than I hoped, but my donor area was weak because it was appropriate to do so. Since the side area is not elver as a beard part, I found it right to get grafts from the rear and beard. When I arrived at 08 00 at 08 00, approximately 15 foreign nationals were there for October that day. First, they gave local anesthesia from vein. It is a place to say that the procedures after that I had almost no feeling. It is a little difficult to lie in the same position so for a while, or I have never felt the pain we read in the forum. October ends at 15:30.
As you can see in the photos, he never entered the Verteks region to obtain intensity. He left it to the second October.

The next day, the scalp was cleaned today and dressed in the donor area. We also saw 15 minutes of laser therapy and the drugs. They gave us. Antibiotic, pain cutter, a drug against payment. I don’t want to use the medicine against that payment alone. The side effect came to me. Are you Kulandism?
I will do it myself with the lotion and sampuan given to me on Sunday.
I took water medications from the pharmacy. I would be glad if you can comment for this.

– Finasteride Gel (Serkan Bey said that I must use Fine)
– Expecia for 6 months
– Coraspin (for 3 months from 1 month)
– RuPatek pill against muscles

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