8 February 2018 İlhan Serdaroğlu Sac Ekkimim 2000 Graft Age 37

Hello to everyone
I have been living for about 17 years. This was much more aggressive in the 20s, frankly, then I was very headed in my mind. But after 30 I would have been suppressing not to worry, but I always had a quest about the hair, I used proscar for a while I left it because of the side effects.
Anyway, as you can see in the photos, my beak is open. I have been following this forum with this forum. I did not want a complete transaction with a complete transplantation of this kind of cultivation was attracted to me.
After the first interview, both he was close to my house and as a result of his confidence and being a physician.
I lived almost the same one -to -one in common. But water is a real. My advice is that whatever the result is, let the interlocutor be a doctor because it’s not really a simple thing.
A graft around 2000 was planted, my beak and my hair line was 4 days today, donor de vs no boredom